Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Devotion to" the Lord's Prayer?

I use the phrase "devotion to the Lord's Prayer" in this blog, and was wondering if it could mean the same as "devotion to the Virgin Mary" for instance. I'm not that familiar with Catholic terminology, but I like to think that a desire to pray a certain prayer could be named a "devotion to" that prayer. There seem to be no recognized or formalized devotion to the Pater Noster in any tradition, other than reciting it, or perhaps reading what others have written about it. I believe that there is much to be gained from exploring the rich depths of this prayer over a lifetime, and through a great variety of practices, just as those devoted to Mary or to Jesus' Sacred Heart might find in their traditions.

Here are a few instances of "devotion" from the Catholic context that I think help to make this case.

An entry for "devotion" at CatholicReference.net reads,
The disposition of will to do promptly what concerns the worship and service of God. Although devotion is primarily a disposition or attitude of the will, acts of the will that proceed from such disposition are also expressions of devotion. Essential to devotion is readiness to do whatever gives honor to God, whether in public or private prayer (worship) or in doing the will of God (service). A person who is thus disposed is said to be devoted. His devotedness is ultimately rooted in a great love for God, which in spiritual theology is often called devotion. (Etym. Latin devotio, state, act, or expression of being devoted; from devovere, to vow.)

From the Catholic Catechism
1437 Reading Sacred Scripture, praying the Liturgy of the Hours and the Our Father - every sincere act of worship or devotion revives the spirit of conversion and repentance within us and contributes to the forgiveness of our sins.

2785...[The prayer is accomplished] by the contemplation of God alone, and by the warmth of love, through which the soul, molded and directed to love him, speaks very familiarly to God as to its own Father with special devotion.

See also "Popular Devotions" at New Advent.

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