Monday, January 4, 2010

Festival of Angela of Foligno

Blessed Angela of Foligno, whose feast day is January 4, founded the Third Order of Saint Francis, and wrote these words regarding the Lord's Prayer.
The Son of God, Jesus Christ, while living on earth as man, gave us this glorious example of prayer for us to follow. He taught us how to pray in word and deed in many way. Through words, he advised us to pray, when he told his disciples, ' Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation '. And in many places in the Gospel we find him instructing us in this venerable prayer, and how he let us know that it is most dear to him, by recommending it again and again. Loving us with all his heart, he wanted us never to neglect this blessed prayer, which Jesus himself would pray, so that we would be drawn by his example to love this above all others. . . Put this mirror before your eyes and study with all your being how to have this prayer, that he himself prayed for you, not for himself. He was also teaching us how to pray when he said, 'Father, if thou wilt, take from me this chalice, but nevertheless thy will be done, not mine '. See how Christ always willed the divine will, not his own, and make this your example. He also taught us to pray when he said ' Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit'. What more? All his life was prayer, because he was always manifesting God and himself. Did Christ pray in vain? Why then, do you neglect prayer when without prayer you can have nothing? Jesus Christ, true God and man, prayed for you, not for himself, so you could have a true example of prayer to follow. If you want something, you must pray, for without prayer you can obtain nothing.
She also advised that one not speed through the prayer, but consider the words deeply with each recitation.

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